As you already should know, between 1st and 14th of July 2004 all tests of Brainbench are FREE!
I tried the plan feature of the Brainbench and I must say that is very cool. So far I selected four job roles: .NET Programmer, Systems Architech, Network Administrator and Linux System Administrator. My main target is to finish “.NET Programmer” Role, others if it is possible. I graduated all electives, and I have 5 more required: “Business Communication“, “Listening skills“, “Programmer analyst aptitude“, “Programming concepts“ and “Written English“.
I've got 4.53 at ASP.NET and 4.6 at ADO.NET. For the others I'm not so proud, but still... I'm not perfect.
I won't update the post, so in order to see my latest achievments and if I got the .NET Programmer role after all, check at